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Search help

Main dictionary search
You are in a Swedish restaurant and there is something on the menu called 'sill'. You don't know what it is. You type it in to the search box on and find that it is herring.

Translations from English
You are in a shop in Mexico and you want to ask for some cinnamon but you don't know how. You click on the 'Translate from English' button and type in 'Spanish cinnamon' and up will come the answer. Canela.

Keywords searches
You ate some wonderful triangular sweet fritters in France but can’t remember the name. Type ‘triangle fritter french’ and click on ‘Keywords’. Or type in 'smelly Thai fruit' and see what happens.

Varieties searches
You can’t remember the name of a really lovely eating apple which was developed in Essex. Click on ‘Varieties’, type in ‘eating apple essex’ and see what comes up. Or you could search for ‘yellow cherry tomato’ or ‘potatoes mash’ or ‘Spanish chillis’.

Latin searches
You have just picked some mushrooms in a wood in Poland and the local chemist writes down a Latin name for you and a Polish name. You can check the Latin by typing it in the search box and clicking on ‘Latin’.

For more help, see the advanced search page

Feel free to e-mail us if you have any comments, but be aware that the database is just being maintained, not updated.

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